This number varies depending on location.
For example, In Afghanistan, up to 5,000 people are shown the video per week through a fleet of five media motorbikes fitted with video players, plus many thousands are exposed through other media.
In the test province of Rizal, Philippines 5 No Strings workshop graduates have trained hundreds of their own colleagues, each working in very large schools in a region threatened by a range of natural disasters. The Department of Education aims to reach every child in every elementary and secondary school in the country with the No Strings’ Tales of Disasters series over the coming years.
Many additional training sessions led by former workshop participants have taken place in South East Asia, most notably Burma , but also in Indonesia and East Timor, and sub-Saharan Africa (Zimbabwe being a particularly dynamic region) so that new facilitators are able to reach target numbers of children, young people and community members on an ever-growing basis.